It’s been a rough year, especially when it comes to politics. I believe due to the pandemic and being trapped at home that political issues have seeped into our personal lives more so than it ever has before. It has also fomented anger, worry and concern, especially those who are conservative. I know I have felt fear at the direction this country is heading and unjustness at being cancelled because my beliefs aren’t aligned with the radical left.

                This week I was listening to a podcast and got a little boost of hope. During a YAF conference in Florida, one the of topics was the toxic political environment and attack on conservatives from politicians and businesses. Senator Ted Cruz said something that encouraged me. He said…”Go towards truth, light and freedom. The great thing about eternal truths is that they’re always true. Our ideas work, free markets work, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and free speech, religious liberty – the fundamental liberties of humanity are right and just and true…the answer to darkness is always light.”

                Senator Cruz made me think about eternal truth. Whether people acknowledge it or not, the United States Constitution is based on Biblical principles. The main principle is freedom. One of the first gifts that God gave man after He gave man life was freewill. We are free to make our own choices. God had rules but man was given freedom to do whatever he wanted. To not follow God’s rules had consequences. The same is true today. We have laws and if one chooses to break them there are or should be consequences. When we leave this Earth, we will be required to give an account of our lives to God, and He will judge us. Nobody who lives or ever lived will be able to escape God’s judgment.

                 Truth never changes. We don’t have to wonder what those truths are. Truth is based on Biblical principles. Men may change the laws or rules, but if they aren’t aligned with what the Bible says, they go against God and aren’t based in truth. God’s rules make human lives better and are designed to keep us from sin and its consequences. Though while we are forgiven for sins, we still must deal with the consequences of sin. If our laws are based on God’s principles, it makes for a more pleasant place to live for all concerned. God designed it that way because He knows best for us.

                Indeed, the answer to darkness is light. Jesus is that light. Jesus is God – eternal, holy, compassionate, just and loving. When we have faith in Jesus and follow His teachings, we too are light. Jesus loved us so much that He died for our sins. He came to Earth in human form and showed love to the unlovable – criminals and sinners. He not only spoke love and wise advice, but He also related to people in a caring way. Jesus was a teacher with compassion. Because Jesus became human, He knows us perfectly and can relate to our human frailties and mental weaknesses. He is our hope and light in this ever-darkening world. Faith and a relationship with Him keep us in the light. It also keeps our eyes looking to eternity and not on only just what’s going on now. Jesus looks at our lives into eternity not just here on Earth.

                Ted Cruz’s podcast was a reminder to me that I have freedom that can never be taken away. I have faith based on eternal truths revealed to me by a Holy God who loved me so much that He sent His Son to die so I can be His daughter eternally. God’s light will keep darkness from overpowering me. Because I believe in Jesus, He’s never going to censure or cancel me. In the end, even if this country destroys itself from the evil that’s reigning now, Jesus will come to Earth again. He will not only rule the world, He will also cast Satan into the lake of fire along with all his evil helpers and ideals. One day there will be nothing but light, truth, and love on this Earth.


Happy are those who reject the advice of evil men, who did not follow the example of sinners or join those who have no use for God. Instead they find joy in obeying the Law of the Lord, and they study it day and night. They are like trees that grow beside a stream, that bear fruit at the right time, and whose leaves do not dry up. They succeed in everything they do. But evil men are not like this at all; They are like straw that the wind blows away. Sinners will be condemned by God and kept apart from God's own people. The righteous are guided and protected by the Lord, but the evil are on their way to their doom. Psalms 1:1-6 St. Jerome Edition


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