Kobayashi Maru
Several years ago, I had to take our dog, Phoebe, to the vet to get her canine flu booster. In the waiting area I saw a couple with a Golden Retriever mix. Because he had a lot of white on his face and moved slowly, he appeared old. And even though it was warm outside, he had on a doggie coat. Since Phoebe does not get along with other dogs, I had to be seated in the other waiting room across from this dog and his family. I could not hear the whole conversation, but did hear words being said like, “chemotherapy and radiation.” I heard the woman say, “I just don’t know what to do.” I could only surmise that the couple was going to have to make the tough decision about the cost of trying to save or prolong the dog’s life and the trauma of these treatments on the dog versus eutha...